Session 1: 5:30pm Open Warmups XCEL PLATINUM
THURSDAY, MAR 06, 2025
Session 2: 8:00am Open Warmups XCEL BRONZE
Session 3: 10:45am Open Warmups XCEL BRONZE
Session 4: 1:30pm Open Warmups XCEL SILVER
Session 5: 4:15pm Open Warmups XCEL SILVER
Session 6: 7:15pm Open Warmups XCEL SILVER
FRIDAY, MAR 07, 2025
Session 7: 8:00am Open Warmups LEVEL 2
Session 8: 10:30am Open Warmups LEVEL3
Session 9: 12:45pm Open Warmups LEVEL3
Session 10: 3:00pm Open Warmups LEVEL 6
Session 11: 6:30pm Open Warmups LEVEL 7
SATURDAY, MAR 08, 2025
Session 12: 8:00am Open Warmups LEVEL 4
Session 13: 11:30am Open Warmups LEVEL 8
Session 14: 3:00pm Open Warmups LEVEL 9
Session 15: 6:15pm Open Warmups LEVEL 10
*** GLOW PARTY *** immediately following last session
SUNDAY, MAR 09, 2025
Session 16: 8:00am Open Warmups XCEL GOLD
Session 17: 11:45am Open Warmups XCEL GOLD
Session 18: 3:15pm Open Warmups XCEL PLATINUM
Session 19: 6:00pm Open Warmups LEVEL 5 & XCEL DIA/SAPH
Glow Party is FREE to athletes, coaches, judges and families!!!
​Little Creek Event Center
91 WA-108, Shelton, WA 98584
**No outside food or beverage allowed in event center**

Hotel Accommodations​
2025 Hotel Room Pricing
Premium King Non-Smoking $149-$189 per night
Premium Double Queen Non-Smoking $149-$189 per night
King Non-Smoking $129-$169 per night
Double Queen Non-Smoking $129-$169 per night
* complimentary valet and self parking for all guest
* complimentary wireless internet in all guest rooms
Room Reservations
Call 800-667-7711 and mention block code "Cascade Elite West Skookum Showdown 2025" to receive the special group rate.
You may create a reservation online by going here, typing in your Group Code (0325CASCADE), and your Group Password (ELITE25)
Please make sure to select your stay dates and click “Refine Search” so you’ll see all of the options. The block is formed with an extra day on either side, but with limited room types on the first and last days. So, to see all the options, you’ll want to be sure to refine the search immediately.
Reservations cancelled within 48 hours of arrival date will be charged the first night’s room and tax.
New AAI equipment supplied by Cascade Elite West Inc
Meet Scoring
Proscore meet scoring will be used for all sessions.
We will use online score results reporting with MyUSA.
Host Club: Cascade Elite West
Meet Director: Frank Lee
(425) 830-8622

>>> Online Registration is CLOSED - MEET IS FULL >>>
Deposit of $200 due NOVEMBER 01, 2024
Checks payable to: Cascade Elite West
Payments can be sent to:
5603 NW Quantum Ct.
Silverdale. WA. 98383
Payment in Full by DECMEBER 31st 2024
Xcel Bronze & Level 2: $75
Xcel Silver & Level 3-5: $100
Xcel Gold/Platinum/Diamond & Level 6-10: $120